Product Demos on the Exhibit Floor
Product Demo - $750 (only 5 available)
Product demos offer an enhanced method to market your products and services right at your booth on the exhibit floor. You will be able to conduct live, interactive demonstrations at your booth to present your product and show how it works and how it will benefit the attendee. It is proven that a "show me" form of marketing is one of the most effective ways to close a sale! Don't miss out on this opportunity for direct access to your audience!.jpg)
Product Demos offer:
- (1) 15-minute time slot to deliver your demonstration
- Microphone and sound system at your booth for optimum reach to your audience
- Description and photo in the 800 final conference programs (approx. 1/4 page ad)
- Description and photo on conference website
- Listing in agenda on conference app
- An exhibit hall broadcast announcing the demonstration to all in attendance
Note: Product Demos are not Powerpoint presentations. Demos must be interactive and actively show a product or innovation.