Get Involved

Advocacy works best when AMI members are engaged. In numbers, we can make our voice heard. Here are a few ways you can get involved with AMI's government relations work. 

Join AMI's Legislative Committee 
The committee is open to all AMI General Members and members of affiliate trade associations.

Attend the American Boating Congress
The American Boating Congress is the premier venue for marina and recreational boating industry members to make their voice heard.

Engage in Boating United and BoatPAC
Boating United is a grassroots effort to strengthen the Boating Industry's voice in Washington, D.C. Contribute your voice.

Contribute to AMI surveys
Your contributions to AMI surveys are not just data points, they are the foundation of our advocacy work. Ever wonder where AMI gets the data we use to describe the Marina Industry? Well, it's from you, and your contributions make our voice stronger.