National Marina Days Gets New Message for Summer of 2020

National Marina Days Gets New Message for Summer of 2020
By Association of Marina Industries Staff
National Marina Days (NMD), an industry event committed to bringing the marina community together, is dedicating the summer of 2020 to getting families on the water and promoting socially distant, responsible boating practices.
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way marinas do business, and marinas are essential to safe boating.
National Marina Days is asking marinas throughout the United States, Canada, the Caribbean and elsewhere to follow safety guidelines regarding social distancing at the marina and, where possible, to implement a plan following industry-established operational best practices.
This is part of a larger industry effort by Discover Boating and Take Me Fishing to get families "On Board" and enjoy the restorative health and wellness benefits of getting on the water.
This year, marinas that join the NMD effort are asked to sign our pledge stating that they will provide a safe and clean place for families to enjoy boating and outdoor recreation, by committing to respond to the coronavirus pandemic and, to the best of their ability, follow all cleanliness, sanitation and social distancing guidelines set forth in Best Practices for Marina Operations and resources provided by the Center for Disease Control, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
NMD runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day and is supported by the Association of Marina Industries and all the marinas who join us to celebrate.
If you are a marina owner or manager and would like to participate, you can sign up and commit to the pledge by going to NationalMarinaDay.Org. If you have questions, please reach out to Michelle Umberger at
AMI—The Association of Marina Industries (AMI) is a nonprofit membership organization that provides management training, education, and information about research, legislation, and environmental issues affecting the marina industry.