How to Apply for CMO

Before completing your application, please contact to receive a link to the online platform where you will upload your application and supporting documentation.  

Yes! I’m ready to become a CMO Candidate because:
  1. I have 3 years’ marina manager experience according to AMI’s definition. This means that during these years I have done all of the following:
    • I have managed a marina operation with annual gross operating revenue (from the marina as well as all other related operations) of at least $500,000, OR managed a marina business with at least 50 boats in wet slips, moorings and/or dry rack storage slots.
    • I have successfully completed both of the IMI pre-requisite courses, the Intermediate Marina Management (IMM) Course and the Advanced Marina Management Course (AMM).
    • I have spent at least 60% of my time in that position on: 1) Financial Planning, 2) Marketing & Customer Relations, and 3) Staff Administration.
    • I have had full-time employment, in which I have supervised at least six employees.
    • I can satisfy the Review Committee that my marina management experience passes the 26-point test. This means that I have performed a minimum of 14 of the required management function, out of 26 listed, during each qualifying period of marina management experience.
  2. I have a high school diploma or its equivalent.
  3. I am a member of the Association of Marina Industries, either as the employee/owner of a Full Member of the association, or as an individual Associate Member.
  4. I am an active member of the marine trade association that covers my state, province, or region. If there is none, I can demonstrate active participation in another regional business league or similar organization.
If you qualify for all of the above items, what’s stopping you? Complete the Application for Candidacy for CMO today!
Tools needed for CMO Application: