Future of Boat Design Panel Featured at Upcoming Marina & Boatyard Conference

January 17, 2023

Leading Boat and Engine Manufacturers to present at upcoming AMI Conference & Expo

Warren, RI - The AMI Conference & Expo features a general session panel on the future of boat and engine manufacturing. The panel is comprised of leaders in the boat and engine manufacturing space. This session, moderated by Katheryn Burchett, COO, Safe Harbor Marinas, will feature Alex Cattelan, CTO, Brunswick Group; Sean Marrero, chief strategy officer of Correct Craft and president of Watershed Innovation; and Dan Ryks, product manager, Advanced Technology at Mercury Marine. This panel will share plans for the technological advancements in boat design. Discussion topics include electrification and charging infrastructure; autonomy (assist) for auto-docking; close quarter maneuvering and navigation; alternative fuels, e-fuels and infrastructure; safety and emergency response; connectivity, digital systems, AI and IoT and the impacts of these advancements on the customer and the marina infrastructure. This session is scheduled for Wednesday, February 1, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. at the Ocean Center, Daytona Beach, FL.

“It is extremely important that the marinas and boat and engine manufacturers have an open dialogue about what the future holds. Infrastructure changes require a significant amount of planning and lead-time, so the earlier these conversations can be happening, the better,” says John Swick, AMI chairman. “This session will share the important shifts that are planned. Keeping ahead of these changes will help the marinas plan so they can continue to provide the proper power options and excellent service and storage to ensure the best possible customer experience.”

To register or learn more about the AMI Conference & Expo, visit https://marinaassociation.org/conferenceandexpo, call 866-367-6622 or email amiconference@marinaassociation.org.

AMI Conference & Expo—Formed in 2002 as the National Marina & Boatyard Conference, and then the International Marina & Boatyard Conference (IMBC), the AMI Conference & Expo is the leading show for marina and boatyard owners, operators and managers as well as dockmasters, harbormasters, boat builders and repairers, and industry consultants.

AMI—The Association of Marina Industries (AMI) is a nonprofit membership organization that provides management training, education and information about research, legislation, and environmental issues affecting the marina industry.
