
The Association of Marina Industries membership continues to thrive with 1,200 members representing marina professionals throughout the United States, Canada, and Caribbean Islands. Marina members make up 77% of our membership, with support from our suppliers to the industry comprising 15% and honorary (partners within the industry) the balance.  Our marina membership is comprised of corporate chains, privately owned marinas, and affiliate partnerships with local state trade associations. Most recently we welcomed the Alaska Association of Harbormasters and Port Administrators (AAHPA) as members of AMI. AAHPA joins are existing affiliate partnerships with the Marina Association of Texas, Pacific Coast Congress of Harbormasters and Port Managers, Wisconsin Marine Association, the Midwest Marina Association, and Boating British Columbia.

We annually capture information from our members in various categories to get a better picture of our membership. These numbers are averages based on our current membership registration and annual survey results.

Our members represent the following:
  • Over 1200 businesses

  • 75% are marina facilities

  • 295,345 combined slips

  • 69,589 full-time employees

  • 10,483 part-time employees

  • Over 1 Million boaters access water annually through our member marinas

  • 470 have pumpouts

  • 310 are located on inland rivers or lakes

  • 410 offer boat repair service

  • 296 conduct new boat sales on their properties
  • ​252 are Clean Marinas
  • 40 have boat building on site

  • They have sold 88,710,000 gallons of fuel annually