2022 Marina Economic Outlook Report

Report Cover

 2022 Marina Economic Outlook Report
Welcome to the Association of Marina Industries’ (AMI) Marina Industry Economic Outlook Survey. This survey developed in 2019 by AMI is designed to bring you information about the industry and is meant to be an update to AMI’s long-standing Marina Trends Survey. Information in this report includes information about profit centers, revenues, marina occupancy, and economic outlook.

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Welcome to the Association of Marina Industries’ (AMI) Marina Industry Economic Outlook Survey. This survey developed in 2019 by AMI is designed to bring you information about the industry and is meant to be an update to AMI’s long-standing Marina Trends Survey. Information in this report includes information about profit centers, revenues, marina occupancy, and economic outlook.

We collected the data January and February of 2023, and it reflects the 2022 boating season. Therefore, we call this report the 2022 Marina Industry Economic Outlook survey. AMI plans do conduct this annual survey every December/January before AMI’s Conference and Expo.

This year we received 120 responses from marinas throughout the United States and Canada of which 103 provided complete information.