Marina Economic Impact Study

The Association of Marina Industries (AMI) is proud to release the first ever Marina Economic Impact Study. This project started with the development of the marina economic impact calculator – a simple but powerful tool that lets a marina enter business data to calculate its impact on the marina’s local economy. This tool is powered by input/output economic modeling completed by the University of Florida and the Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences (VIMS).

Using this economic model, AMI was able to extrapolate the total (direct, indirect and induced) economic impact of the marina industry. AMI estimates that 11,500 U.S. marina businesses had an $18 billion economic impact ($5 billion direct) and supported an estimated 105,000 full or part-time/seasonal employees.

The five largest marina industry states, including Florida, California, Texas, New York and Massachusetts, account for $7.8 billion of this economic output.