Benefits of Becoming a CMM
1. Greater Earning Potential. CMMs have the reliable knowledge and experience to make them more valuable to marina owners who crave the kind of quality and reputation only the best marinas have. CMMs are projected to earn an average of 20% to 45% more than their colleagues, based on experience in other service industries and the results of AMI’s annual wage rate survey.
2. More Job Opportunities. Employers seek the best-qualified managers for marina properties. They demand that applicants be Certified Marina Managers to ensure investors, bankers, insurers, and customers that their marina properties are run as professionally as possible. Your CMM designation gets you to the top of the resume pile.
3. Career Advancement and Job Security. Marina owners and investors see CMMs as being aggressive, qualified, professional, and more committed to a career within the marina industry. CMMs are recognized as being most up-to-date in the latest procedures, techniques, industry regulations, and requirements–a most marketable collection of assets.
4. Job Satisfaction and Ability. Managing a marina requires more than knowing about boats. Feel confident in your skills and ability. Whether you’re talking about personnel issues, healthcare options, or fire and safety regulations, gain the knowledge to give quick answers or know where to get the answers to the everyday situations that can slow others down.
5. Networking with Colleagues. CMMs have one of the tightest professional networks in the world and regularly share tips and information with one another, ensuring that each is up to speed with the latest technologies, processes, and regulations. The knowledge a CMM receives through this network makes him/her a highly qualified, respected, and able manager.
6. Instant Recognition. Once you become a CMM, you will feel confident that the people you want to impress– employers, peers, bankers, investors, etc.– will know you have distinguished yourself as an outstanding professional. Professional certification is, after all, a highly prized mark of distinguished achievement among practicing professionals.