Mark Amaral

Marketing your Marina and Strategic Planning Course Facilitation

Mark Amaral is on the executive team of the Association of Marina Industries (AMI) and is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of its staff.  AMI is a non-profit membership organization dedicated exclusively to serving the needs of the marina industry worldwide.  Mark oversees all of AMI’s offerings, including membership services, global training and certification, and its legislative activities. Mark also coordinates with the board of directors to develop and guide the strategic long-term direction for the association and ensures this vision translates into action.

Mark’s extensive experience in the marina industry has focused on providing assistance and outreach to the industry to develop and implement clean marina practices.  Previous work includes creating and managing the Sea Grant MarinaNet professional network, writing Rhode Island’s pollution reduction program for marinas and contributed to the creation of the national Clean Vessel Act.

Mark is the author of over 90 technical articles, peer-reviewed journal papers, reports and publications.  He has lectured and facilitated extensively on topics that include pollution reduction at marinas, reducing risk and hazards in coastal communities, managing coastal resources through participatory processes, and organizational design, work planning and management.  Mark has a Masters Degree in Community Planning and Environmental Management from the University of Rhode Island.