Tom Delotto, CMM, CMSM, CRMP
- Results driven manager all marine business units -Marinas, Dry Storage, Yacht Service, Administration, HR, P+L, Safety & Marketing.
- Demonstrated History of Profitable Business results in diverse operating environments. u
- Complex Operational Budgeting of Multi Revenue Site Operations
- Strong Oral & Written Communication, Information Technology and People Skills.
- Seasoned Team Leader Mentoring individual growth and development
- Capital Project Forecasting, Planning and Project Management
- Site Management of multiple marinas, boatyards, F&B, and private clubs resulting in consistent financial growth.
- Assemble and Supervise Management Teams in varied operating environments.
- Developed and Implemented OSHA & HAZWOPR Safety Training Programs for all Suntex locations.
- USCG 100 Ton Master Mariner Licensed and Towing Endorsed
- Certified Marina Manager # 50 (CMM) AMI - Certified Marine Service Manager ABBRA.